At the moment, my youngest daughter is in town, visiting me from Santa Fe, where she is getting more and more into bike racing. I'm trying to ride with her a little bit while she's home but as I've mentioned in previous posts, I havn't ridden in almost 25 years and I'm about 40 lbs. heavier! Not only that, but "they've" changed the whole gear shifting mechanism in the last 25 years and twice yesterday I managed to make the chain jump off of the gears because I wasn't shifting right! Drat! I was really singing the blues on that one. In addition, Louisville is hosting the "Senior Games" right now and so as I was limping through the park yesterday, walking my disabled bike, folks in their 60's, 70's, and even 80', were zooming past me on their flashy bikes looking at me like "what's wrong with that lady and her bike?" One very kind couple from St. Louis stopped and drove me and my bike up to the maintenance tent and helped me get my chain put back on. I'm sure today will be better! Maybe if I could compose a song to help me shift properly as I ride through Cherokee Park...what do you think??